Under Keel Clearance under scrutiny in latest issue of The Navigator

Feb 11 2021

All aspects of under keel clearance, from passage planning to calculating squat, are covered in the first edition of 2021 of The Navigator, the free magazine published by The Nautical Institute aimed at maritime navigators around the world.

The new issue, which launches this month, is available digitally via a dedicated ‘The Navigator’ app and as a downloadable file direct from The Nautical Institute’s website.

Articles include a detailed guide to understanding under keel clearance management techniques by Dr Tim Gourlay, a report on a ferry grounding due to insufficient focus on the effects of squat, an interview with a cruise ship Second Officer with a special interest in mentoring and a discussion about calculating and negotiating distance from land in three dimensions, rather than two, from Dr Andy Norris of the Royal Institute of Navigation.

David Patraiko, Director of Projects for The Nautical Institute, said: “It is essential that professional navigators understand under keel clearance and how natural forces can reduce the static UKC. These calculations can be complex, but they must form part of the passage plan and the bridge team / pilot exchange. Mariners should always seek to understand the quality of data used, and always check the results against good seamanship.”

The Nautical Institute launched its 'Navigator Distributor' scheme in 2015, encouraging a wider, global distribution of the free, 12-page magazine to as many professional marine navigators as possible. Anyone interested in finding out how their organisation can take part in the scheme should visit www.nautinst.org/thenavigator, where there are also previous issues available to download.

The Navigator is produced by The Nautical Institute with support from the Royal Institute of Navigation. Sponsored by IFAN and Trinity House, it is available as a free pdf, digital magazine or App via The Nautical Institute website. Printed copies are currently distributed alongside The Nautical Institute's membership magazine, Seaways, as well as through missions and maritime training establishments.

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