The Tokyo-based class society said that it continuously reviews, updates, and amends its technical rules and guidance.
These are amended regularly in order to reflect the latest research results from damage investigations, as well as changes made to relevant international conventions, IACS Unified Requirements, national regulations, and requests from the maritime industry.
The latest amendments include the following –
*Requirements related to ‘scope of application of fire resistant cables’ (request from industry).
*Requirements related to ‘means of communication for firefighters,’ etc (damage investigation feedback following surveys).
*Requirements related to ‘code of noise levels on board ships,’ etc (changes made to international conventions).
*Requirements related to ‘approval procedures of corrosion resistant steel used for cargo oil tanks,’ etc (changes made to IACS Unified Requirements)
Both printed and CD-ROM versions of the rules and guidance are available for purchase online, and the PDF version of the rules and guidance are available free of charge on ClassNK’s website - - for those who have registered for the ClassNK ‘My Page’ service.