About Us

Tanker Operator magazine, published since 2002, is the place the industry comes to share ideas and news about how to handle them – and map the path through the challenges ahead. 

We share stories about good activities the tanker industry is doing, how it is tackling the enormous challenges, how it is making great progress with new technology, and continuously improving its performance.

The tanker industry gets more complex year after year – with new regulations particularly about environment issues, increasing demands from the crew you employ and challenges keeping them motivated and engaged, challenges from Iran, and difficulty predicting the market as the oil industry both grows and becomes subject to complex environmental controls. The use of digital technology is expanding, but it is often poorly understood and oversold, with senior managers expecting automated chat bots and receiving software which barely seems to understand how the industry works.

Our customers in the oil industry are becoming more demanding, the reach of OCIMF’s inspectors spreading into cyber security and the human element. In short, the industry may appear the same on the surface, but under the skin big changes are happening.

Our magazine is still published on paper, as many of our readers tell us they much prefer.

We also have a pdf version of our magazine, and a weekly e-mail newsletter which reaches about 10,000 people, including links to download the latest magazine in electronic format.

Our magazine is supported by face to face events, planned in 2020 for Athens (May) and Hamburg (October), on the theme of the human element – the toughest and most pertinent issue for tanker executives today. As we have all seen, face to face discussion can elicit learning and understanding in ways that reading printed material cannot.

Our shipping industry readers are still buying a wide range of equipment, services and training. If you provide products and services to this sector, we give you a great reach to your customers and opportunity to tell your story. 

Oct-Dec 2024

Competency management systems, reviewing decarbonisation plans, ammonia fuel, FuelEU Maritime